Tetrus - New Advanced Tetris Online Game
If you are a fan of Tetris, there is a new and incredibly more advanced
version of the game called Tetrus. Tetrus is my favorite version because it
is s...
6 tahun yang lalu
nk buat calon blh x??
mana satu? tudong hitam ka? tudong puteh ka?
tudung hitam..hehe
aku pown nak jugak kalau mcm nie... bg la kt abg2 ampa nie dlu... bg kami lepaih dlu... hat muda2 2 blajaq bg elok... -pakdan-
uik..x blh la..hg tua sgt..dia muda lg..kt aku padan la...heheheheh..
aku pun nok!
sapa cpt dia dpt...
dia sapa?
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